Sunday, October 4, 2009

RtNP#16 Busy Times

Sometimes there are just not enough hours in a day, or maybe it's the way we plan our days that is wrong. Anyway I managed to record on a run and this is what came out of that. Hope you'll enjoy it.

In this episode .. can hear me whine about a hectic week as I go running in the forest for what might be the last time for the season.

The Music ..

.. is from the PodShow Podsafe Music Network, at
In this episode you can hear:

  • Ty Hall and the EZ3 - Pirates Gold
  • Charlie Crowe - 007 (bkgr)
  • Matthew Ebel - Lost My Way (intro, outro)

Contact me by e-mail (address in link to the right) or post a comment below.
Subscription to this podcast can be made by using the links to the right.
Listen to this episode here.  (right click [save-as..] for download).


Stuart said...

Hi Krister

Just heard that you got a new Garmin, wlecome to the clan, check out my blog I have some pretty good posts about what you can do with it, also have a look at he has some of his own.

Love the podcast!

Unknown said...

Hello Krister!

The garmin is nice to have :). Thanks for your very complimentary words about my miles and the pr's on your latest podcast. Sorry that it wasn't enough to keep the podcast in the main challenge :(. I hope you're enjoying running the WWFOR in England!

