Monday, December 8, 2008

RtNP#09 I love running - I hate running

This episode was recorded at two differrent runs a few weeks ago, but I haven't had the chance to edit and upload it until now, I'm sorry. Hope you will enjoy it.

In this episode .. can hear me enjoy one of my runs and dislike another. I am talking about soundquality and about a race that I'm going to run in the spring. Right at the end you can hear some reflections about Christmas in a P.V. - a Post Vox/Verbum/Vathever -, an audio post scriptum.
(btw. I don't really hate running)
Links ..

The Music ..

.. is from the PodShow Podsafe Music Network, at
In this episode you can hear:

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Listen to this episode here.  (right click [save-as..] for download).

1 comment:

Chris Russell said...

Hey Krister - you were asking for comments...
I really enjoy your podcast for a number of reasons.
- It is nice and short
- I find your voice and accent very calming
- The music is happy
I think we would call the bird a Ruby Crested Kingslet here in New England.
Cheers - Chris Russell from the RunRunLive Podcast.