Sunday, September 6, 2009

RtNP#15 A New Thing

I think most of us are using different equipment to help us with our training. And even for a short run around the block it might take a while to get ready because we have to strap on, not only our shoes and running clothes but also several technical devices. If the "things" are helping us getting motivated, it's a good thing.

From now on I will be strapping on a new thing for every run I do and I sure hope it will make my training better.

In this episode .. can hear me try out a new gadget which I hope will be useful in my training. I'm also talking a little about what the Worldwide Festival of Races means to me.

Links ..

.. to things mentioned.

The Music ..
.. is from the PodShow Podsafe Music Network, at
In this episode you can hear:

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