Wednesday, October 22, 2014

RtNP#60 The Bacon is Not Yet Cooked

I would have liked to make this comeback episode, after my long absence, something much more spectacular than this. But sometimes unforeseen events comes about and obstacles prevents intended progress. In other words: I've been slightly injured and that put a halt to my running and also made my mood drop to a very low point. I am usually a slow talker but in this recording it is almost ridiculous. My feet and my voice seems to be dragging each other backwards.

Unfortunately this episode turned out to be very slow and even if it picks up a little towards the end a warning could be in place. Beware, you might face the risk of falling asleep while listening. I promise I'll do my best to improve and try to make the next episode more interesting.

Most of the content in this episode is about my injury and my fear of not being able to run the planned Athens Marathon. I'm sorry to bother you with my negative thoughts but this has been my recent reality and that's why I share it. And towards the end it does turn into a more positive tone.

The music is from Mevio's Music Alley, at 

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your podcast. Hope to hear more.