Wednesday, October 22, 2014

RtNP#60 The Bacon is Not Yet Cooked

I would have liked to make this comeback episode, after my long absence, something much more spectacular than this. But sometimes unforeseen events comes about and obstacles prevents intended progress. In other words: I've been slightly injured and that put a halt to my running and also made my mood drop to a very low point. I am usually a slow talker but in this recording it is almost ridiculous. My feet and my voice seems to be dragging each other backwards.

Unfortunately this episode turned out to be very slow and even if it picks up a little towards the end a warning could be in place. Beware, you might face the risk of falling asleep while listening. I promise I'll do my best to improve and try to make the next episode more interesting.

Most of the content in this episode is about my injury and my fear of not being able to run the planned Athens Marathon. I'm sorry to bother you with my negative thoughts but this has been my recent reality and that's why I share it. And towards the end it does turn into a more positive tone.

The music is from Mevio's Music Alley, at 

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Listen to this episode here.  (right click [save-as..] for download).

Saturday, June 21, 2014

RtNP#59 An Emotional Run

Despite a hectic work schedule and very little time for running I finally did manage to put this audio together. There might be some irrelevant passages and also a bit of quiet murmuring in this but this run turned out to be one of the great special ones and I decided to upload it this way as I want to have the chance of going back and listen to it and relive the magic, almost devotional, ambience that I experienced during the later part of the run. I don't know if it can be perceived through the recorded audio but to me this was one of the most moving runs I've ever done. One of those that makes running the best activity there is. The very reason why I run.

Books Mentioned:
  • Spark - How exercise will improve the performance of your brain - by John Ratey
  • Running with the mind of meditation - Lessons for training body and mind - by Sakyong Mipham
  • Running the spiritual path - A runner's guide to breathing, meditating and exploring the prayerful dimension of the sport - by Roger Joslin
  • Haile Gebrselassie - The greatest runner of all time - by Klaus Weidt

See photos from this run HERE.

The music is from Mevio's Music Alley, at 

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Listen to this episode here.  (right click [save-as..] for download).

Friday, May 16, 2014

RtNP#58 Running Together

Spring has arrived in my neighbourhood now. That means beautiful warm and sunny days but also rather wet and cold days in between. This was recorded on one of the most beautiful and spring like days of them all so far. The kind of day when life is easy and running seems the most natural thing to do.

In the first part of this episode my wife, who recently has taken up running,  joins me for a run and a chat. Then I continue on my own talking about some running plans, some garden work and a few other things.

The music is from Mevio's Music Alley, at 

Contact me by e-mail (address in link to the right) or post a comment below.
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Listen to this episode here.  (right click [save-as..] for download).

Friday, April 18, 2014

RtNP#57 Greek Chairs

 Spring is on it's way, the light is returning and the temperature reaches more pleasant levels. It is a reviving season when life and running is becoming easier and more pleasant again.

This recording is a few weeks old by now but I'll stop apologizing for my slow editing/uploading process. Apparently this is the way my podcasting comes together these days.
There is nothing much in this audio that is of great importance, it is more or less just me talking about what I've been up to and the delay doesn't really affect the content. I hope you'll enjoy my company for a while.

 These are the chairs that are mentioned in this episode.


Some music is from Mevio's Music Alley, at 

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Listen to this episode here.  (right click [save-as..] for download).

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

RtNP#56 And Now What?

In the beginning of this audio you will hear me date this recording to the month of February and maybe you'll think that I got it wrong and meant a more recent day but no, February is correct. This is an old recording that I decided to edit and publish to let you know that I'm still here.

The music is from Mevio's Music Alley, at

Contact me by e-mail (address in link to the right) or post a comment below.
Subscribe to this podcast by using the links to the right.
Listen to this episode here.  (right click [save-as..] for download).