Hello again, remember me?
First of all I'd like to apologize for not posting in such a long time. Things have been a bit too busy for a while. Sorry.
I finally managed to put this podcast episode together but I'm afraid the recordings are slightly old by now. I'll do my best to get another episode out before the Athens Classic Marathon. In the mean time you have the chance to listen to this and find out a little about what my summer running was like.
I'm happy to report that even though I've been quite busy I have been able too keep the marathon training up and if I quickly sum up the weeks since I last posted, it have to be something like this:
Marathon training is going great. Following the Galloway plan has been a lot of fun. and I have surprised myself with what I actually have been able to accomplish. I'm looking forward to the event. But now I seem to be jumping ahead to what you can expect me to talk about in the next episode.
If you want to hear about some of the background to where I am now, and what a great running summer this has been, I invite you to listen to this episode.
The music is from Mevio's Music Alley, at
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