Thursday, January 3, 2013

RtNP#48 Looking Back..and Ahead

So the new year, 2013, is here. Let's hope it will be a good one. I recorded this episode on my first run for the year and according to the way I felt I think 2013 might be a very good year for me. As the title suggests there is a bit of looking in both directions in this episode as well as a book review .. among other things.

The next episode will be the 5 year anniversary of this podcast and if you want to participate, please send a short audio or written words to: krister(dot)wson(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll include your voice and/or words in the episode and that way we'll make the episode together. I will need the material within this month.

The music is from Mevio's Music Alley, at

Contact me by e-mail (address in link to the right) or post a comment below.
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