Saturday, February 26, 2011

RtNP#29 Huffing and Puffing

I recorded this episode last week on two of my runs. I'm not running distances long enough to record all at once. I'm afraid you (and myself) have to put up with this solution for a while. Coming back after the injury seems to take longer than expected. I wanted to jump right in where I was at when I got injured but I realize that precaution is required. and I'm also a bit out of shape to say the least so I'm giving myself plenty of time to build my strength and endurance back.

The photo shows where the road used to be, I talk a bit about that in the episode.

In this episode .. can hear me breathe heavily and inbetween I try to talk a bit about how I plan to return to running like I used to, what kind of tracks I'm looking for in the snow and some other things aswell.

The Music ..
.. is from Mevio's Music Alley, at In this episode you can hear:

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