Friday, January 8, 2010

Winter run

Some photos from a cold run on a beautiful day.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

RtNP#18 New Possibilities

This was recorded on a cold evening run, my first run in the new year. Hopefully coming runs will be in warmer temperatures and in better surface conditions. Well, nothing much we can do about the weather, I guess we just have to press on with our training, right?
I hope you all had a good holiday and wish you a happy new year, 2010.
(to see a photo of my studio gear click the link "my studio" below)

In this episode .. can hear me talk about some running related news from around here and also some other news, both good and not so good.

Links ..
.. to things mentioned

The Music ..
.. is from the PodShow Podsafe Music Network, at
In this episode you can hear:

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Listen to this episode here.  (right click [save-as..] for download).